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The multipurpose rotisserie!

With the new D-ONE model, Dorégrill has revolutionized the rotisserie to boost your business and make your life easier! The D-ONE multipurpose, multifunction rotisserie can do it all: Cook 24 chickens in under 30 minutes, producing delicious, old-fashioned, crispy roast chicken, plus a myriad of cooking options for prepared dishes, pizzas, and other pastry specialties. The pioneering D-ONE is practical, powerful, and attractive, meeting your exacting professional standards while satisfying your customers’ desire for an appetizing experience.


  • "Showcase" cooking with a panoramic view (2 glazed sides), large glazed surface area, Stainless-Steel design, red enamel interior, rotating basket movement. powerful I quartz and 
    Led lights. 
    Practical, Efficient, Aesthetic while being 100"/o SELF-CLEANING, the D-ONE innovation suits all your professional requirements, and those of your customers. 

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